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The Gospel to Everyone is a statewide effort to fulfill the Great Commission by reaching every home in Alabama with the Gospel, while also enabling each church in every association to become reacquainted with their neighborhoods. In the process, the lost will receive the Gospel and those who have left the church can reconnect to the body of Christ.

How to be Involved

Associational missionaries partnering with the SBOM Evangelism office will provide free materials to be used with the initiative. Churches are encouraged to work with their associational missionary to receive materials and choose neighborhood assignments. Ultimately as churches in every association become involved, the entire state will be blanketed with the Gospel.
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Designed to reach every home in the state so that the lost would receive the Gospel and the church would come back together.

Volunteer in action

Help is on the way.

A state wide ministry fulfilling the great commission to reach the entire state with the gospel and to get reacquainted with their neighborhood

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